Sunday, July 13, 2008

God Damn We're Bad

"My bag's packed up
My boots are tied tight
I hope I don't get in a fight"

Well, it's Sunday night and I'm just now finishing getting my bag packed up. Tomas is picking David and me up tomorrow morning and then I would like to think that we would be getting in some water shortly thereafter. I think Have Heart and Verse might be coming up to swim with us in lake Lanier, but I have a feeling that might not happen because it's a pretty good distance from MJQ. We'll see. Here is where you can find me tomorrow night. I hope to see everyone there.
Oh yeah, I quit my job at Sam's Club. Saturday was my last day, but I have three managers that say they will hire me back when I get home if I want my job back. Why they couldn't just give me a leave of absence or just leave me off the schedule for a month is beyond me. Just in case I don't come back I made sure that I got my severance package.

Today I picked up Half Baked and Heavyweights so that we can watch them in the van. I already owned Half Baked on VHS, but that format is for dinosaurs now. Let's talk about Heavyweights for a minute. Well, let me include a picture of the movie cover in case you need a quick reminder.
This movie rules. Period. And if you don't like it you're a faggot. This shit got me through some really tough times. Back when I was a little porker I used to watch this movie and it would give me hope for being fat because the fat kids actually ended up beating those punk ass rich campers in the Apache Relay. Fuck those kids for vandalizing Camp Hope. Chipmunks! Download!

Here's some cool tour stuff I found out recently. First off, we're playing with Green Jelly in Corpus Christi, TX. If you have not heard of this band, that is perfectly fine. Here is a pic from their live show. Check 'em out:
Also, we're playing a few shows with Hostage Calm. I think they're playing Nashville, Tucson, Baltimore, and Wallingford (Conn) with us. That new LP is so solid. Here is their link: Do yourself a favor and check them out.

Lastly, we were just added to the This Is Hardcore pre-show in Lemoyne, PA on Thursday, August 21st. I will probably have to skip a few classes to fly up there in time for the show, but I'm not worried about it. I would guess that the show is at Championship Vinyl, which is a pretty cool venue. Other featured acts include Death Threat, Forfeit, Kids Like Us, and maybe a few more.

On a side note, my mom bought me new socks and underwear today. Thanks Mom. Hanes boxer briefs as usual, but this time I was daring and went with a few colored ones even though I hate colored ones. LOL. I also bought an ipod charger for 9 bucks thanks to an old weed buddy of mine's Best Buy discount. Pretty happy about that one.

This seems like a good stopping point for this entry. I hope it has been as enjoyable for you as it was for me. This will probably be the last entry I write until I have left Atlanta so expect a new post around mid-week. Cheers!
Currently playing:
Youth of Today - Everything
...into some ZZ Top (some times you just gotta let it play)
Regulations - S/t
Rod Stewart - Every Picture Tells A Story
Converge - You Fail Me
Fugazi - 13 Songs


Kei Yasui said...


Ignatius said...

FUCK YEAH HEAVYWEIGHTS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER. Dude, not only did the fat kids kick camp apaches ass but they got all the pussy too. Thats where I found my inspiration in that film.

Anyway, tell me how the show went in ATL and how the tour is going. Email me or something assface.

Ignatius said...,23599,24070088-13762,00.html


b said...

this rules